Pledge to make a difference in Kittery's and Eliot's waters!

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You Can Help Save Kittery's Waters!Pledge to make a difference in your watershed!

Everyone lives in a watershed! A watershed is an area of land that water flows across as it moves toward a common body of water, such as a stream, river, lake or coast.

What you do in and around your home impacts your watershed. Even the smallest home and yard changes can make a big difference along your waterfront and possibly save you money. Take the Protect Kittery Waters watershed pledge to commit to protect Kittery’s water resources.

Take the Watershed Pledge!
Taking the Pledge is simple:
1. Discuss with your family the activities and changes you are willing to make.
2. Print out the pledge form below.
2. Check the boxes next to the activities you choose to adopt or continue.
3. Send the form with your completed information to us at the address below.
4. Be sure to print an extra copy (56Kb PDF File) for you and hang the pledge where your family will see it every day.

If you pledge to adopt or continue 5 watershed-friendly practices, you’ll receive a Protect Kittery Waters yard sign! If you can pledge for 6 to 10 practices, you’ll get an extra rain drop added to your sign. And, the highest honor – get all 3 drops if you pledge to adopt 11 or more practices!

Take the pledge:
As a citizen of the watershed, I pledge to adopt or continue the following practices:

Build a Better Buffer
Learn more about building a better buffer.

Keep or plant gardens as a buffer at the base of hills, in ditches, and along the road and water’s edge.

Care for Your Lawn
Learn more about caring for your lawn and Kittery's waters.

Reduce the amount of my yard that is planted in grass

Cut the grass higher and leave clippings on lawn to increase water absorption, reduce run-off, and naturally fertilize the grass

Reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and water on lawn and gardens

Prevent Erosion
Learn more about preventing erosion in your yard.

Minimize erosion along driveway and road and around my property

Mulch and plant bare spots to reduce soil erosion – especially on slopes and at the waters’ edge

Garden Smart
Learn about ways to garden smarter.

Landscape with native plants where possible

Keep trash, debris, fall leaves, and lawn clippings away from ditches, streams, and the water’s edge

Compost yard waste away from streams and the shoreline

Reduce Runoff
Learn about reducing runoff in your yard, including using rain barrels or installing a rain garden.

Direct downspouts toward plant beds and grass and away from hard surfaces

Use a rain barrel to collect rooftop rain and provide free water for your lawns and gardens

Create rain gardens to capture and slow down runoff

Where possible, reduce paved surfaces around my home by using gravel, bricks, or interlocking blocks

Keep It Clean
Learn ways to keep the rain water running from your property clean, including dealing with pet waste, maintaining your septic system, cleaning up your laundry, and limiting toxics in your household and yard.

Pick up after pets and dispose of the waste in the trash or toilet

Have my septic system inspected and pumped at least every 3 to 5 years

Use biodegradable soaps and minimize toxic household products

Never dump toxic materials down drains or on the ground

Spread the Word

Encourage my friends and neighbors to take the watershed pledge


First Name
Last Name

Save Kittery Waters - The Spruce Creek Watershed Improvement Project (Phase 1)
Funded by the Maine Department of Environmental Project through the 319 Grant Program

Please contact us for more information on this project.

© 2008-2009 Town of Kittery. All rights reserved. .